Datum a čas akce: 
Středa, 8. Říjen 2014 - 9:00

Europe is moving to a low-carbon electricity system. The growth of renewables (RES), which is necessary to pursue the European decarbonisation agenda, brings a new reality to power systems. To ensure an effective transition, it is key to fully integrate the growing volumes of RES into electricity markets while guaranteeing consumers that their lights will stay on.

In a comprehensive action plan aimed to address policy makers, EURELECTRIC proposes to reconcile these priorities with integrated solutions towards a win-win combination of RES development and market integration whilst ensuring security of supply.

In a half day workshop, EURELECTRIC will present the findings of this action plan and highlight the necessary steps needed to achieve a continued growth of RES in an improved market.

Further information and a draft programme will follow soon.

Marriott Hotel, Rue Auguste Orts 3-7, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

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